ACDA Virtual Year Overview

Welcome to ACDA’s Virtual Year!  Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, ACDA will not hold traditional in-person three or four-day ACDA conferences during 2020-21. While at this time we are not scheduling in-person conferences, planning is underway for a year rich with opportunities for ACDA members and non-members. 

We are excited to venture into new territory with the ACDA Virtual Year and develop vital ways to support, engage, inspire and keep our community vibrant. Virtual events will either have no or low fees for ACDA members this coming year, acknowledging the severe budgetary pressures on dance programs and on individuals.

Please read through the opportunities being planned. We hope you will bring your presence to many events and that they will be meaningful for you.

ACDA Virtual Year Events

Give & Take Series: Mike Esperanza
(class date has passed)
Aug. 7, 2020
Mobilizing the Vote Shirt Order Deadline
(deadline has passed)
Oct. 11, 2020
Give & Take Series: Gerri Houlihan
(class date has passed)
Oct 17, 2020
Give & Take Series: Millicent Johnnie
(class date has passed)
Oct. 31, 2020
Dance And…Workshops Call for Proposals Deadline
(deadline has passed)
Oct. 31, 2020
Screendance Festival Registration Opens
(deadline has passed)
Nov. 2, 2020
ACDAcademy Call for Proposals Deadline
(deadline has passed)
Nov. 6, 2020
Screendance Workshop Series: Workshop #1
(workshop date has passed)
Nov. 7, 2020
Give & Take Series: Monique Haley
(class date has passed)
Nov. 14 2020
Give & Take Series: Elisha Gibson
(class date has passed)
Dec. 5, 2020
Give & Take Series: Kaustavi Sarker
(class date has passed)
Dec. 19, 2020
Screendance Workshop Series: Workshop #2
(workshop date has passed)
Jan. 23, 2021
Screendance Workshop Series: Workshop #3
(workshop date has passed)
Feb. 13, 2021
Dance And… Workshop Series March 5-April 3, 2021
— Dance & Professional Sports Dance Teams
(workshop date has passed)
March 5, 2021
— Dance & Community Engagement
(workshop date has passed)
March 6, 2021
— Dance & the Archives:
Contemporary Perspectives on Historic Dances
(workshop date has passed)
March 7, 2021
— Dance & Black Masculinities
(workshop date has passed)
March 12, 2021
— Dance & Motherhood
(workshop date has passed)
March 13, 2021
— Dance & Oral History (Students Only)
(workshop date has passed)
March 14, 2021
— Dance & Being Seen: The Politics of Representation
(workshop date has passed)
March 19, 2021
— Dance & Inclusion, Diversity and Equity
(workshop date has passed)
March 20, 2021
— Dance & Queer Embodiment
(workshop date has passed)
March 21, 2021
— Dance & Moving Spirit
(workshop date has passed)
March 21, 2021
— Dance & Creating Community
(workshop date has passed)
March 25, 2021
— Dance & Change
(workshop date has passed)
March 26, 2021
— Dance & The Body
(workshop date has passed)
March 27, 2021
— Dance & Deep Listening
(workshop date has passed)
March 28, 2021
— Dance & Body Science
(workshop date has passed)
April 2, 2021
— Dance, Shout Outs & Work/Play:
Self and the BIPOC Ensemble (Students Only)
(workshop date has passed)
April 3, 2021
Screendance Festival
(Screendance Festival has passed)
April 10-11, 2021
–Opening remarks and “Meet the Adjudicators” 
live discussion with Gabri Christa, Douglas Rosenberg, and Robbie Shaw
(event has passed)
April 10, 2021
Gala Concert #1 live stream for ACDA Members
(event has passed)
April 10, 2021
Opening remarks and “Meet the Adjudicators” 
live discussion with Shawn Bible, Robin Gee and Mitchell Rose
(event has passed)
April 10, 2021
Gala Concert #2 live stream for ACDA Members
(event has passed)
April 10, 2021
Opening remarks and “Meet the Adjudicators” 
live discussion with John Crawford, Kathleen Kelley
and Andrea Woods Valdés
(event has passed)
April 10, 2021
Gala Concert #3 live stream for ACDA Members
(event has passed)
April 10, 2021
Informal Showcase Kick-Off Event
(event has passed)
April 11, 2021
Screendance Gala Concerts – Members Only
(Gala Concerts are closed)
April 11-24, 2021
Informal Showcase Viewing – Members Only
(Informal Showcase Viewing is closed)
April 11-24, 2021
Screendance Workshop Series: Workshop #4
(workshop date has passed)
April 17, 2021
Screendance Workshop Series: Workshop #5
(workshop date has passed)
April 18, 2021
Screendance Workshop Series: Workshop #6
(workshop date has passed)
April 24, 2021
Festival Closing — Moving Forward with Screendance
(event has passed)
April 24, 2021
A Year in Review, A Year Just Ahead June 14, 2021

Keep checking for details on events!

ACDA Virtual Year Details

Worth Having 
(Fall 2020)


Virtual conversations for faculty and students on the regional level, helping you stay in contact with your colleagues. Share ideas, plans, or just vent frustration. These will evolve topically over the fall term.

ACDA’s GIVE & TAKE – Virtual Dance for a Cause 
(Fall 2020)


ACDA is pleased to bring together guest artists to share classes with dancers from across the country and around the world. All proceeds from ACDA’s GIVE & TAKE—Virtual Dance for a Cause will be divided between ACDA and the Guest Artist’s choice charity. 
Give & Take Class Dates

Guest Artist2020 DatesTimeLink
Mike EsperanzaAug. 73:00pm ET*Registration Closed
Gerri HoulihanOct.173:00pm ET*Registration Closed
Millicent JohnnieOct. 312:00pm ET**Registration Closed
Monique HaleyNov. 142:00pm ET**Registration Closed
Dec. 51:00pm ET***Registration Closed
Kaustavi SarkarDec. 191:30pm ET****Registration Closed
*Class start times across time zones: 12:00pm PT/1:00pm MT/2:00pm CT/3:00pm ET
**Class start times across time zones: 11:00am PT/12:00pm MT/1:00pm CT/2:00pm ET
***Class start times across time zones: 10:00am PT/11:00am MT/12:00pm CT/1:00pm ET
***Class start times across time zones: 10:30am PT/11:30am MT/12:30pm CT/1:30pm ET

ACDA Screendance Initiative


Educational and presentation opportunities for schools invested in, or hoping to develop, college screendance.
Important Dates

Screendance Festival
– Screendance Festival – April 10-11, 2021
– Gala Programs available for viewing – April 10-24
– Informal Showcase available for viewing – April 11-24

Screendance Workshop Series
Workshop #1 Basic Videography: Framing the Dancing Image: November 7, 2020 12:00 PT/ 1:00 MT/ 2:00 CT/ 3:00 ET
Workshop #2 Creative Process in Dance Filmmaking: January 23, 2021 12:00 PT/ 1:00 MT/ 2:00 CT/ 3:00 ET
Workshop #3 Cinematography and Choreography:
Creating Your Visual Narrative: February 13, 2021 12:00 PT/ 1:00 MT/ 2:00 CT/ 3:00 ET
Workshop #4 Live Streaming for Online Dance Performance: April 17, 2021 12:00 PT/ 1:00 MT/ 2:00 CT/ 3:00 ET
Workshop #5 Movement Matching: Montage Strategies for Juxtaposition in the Edit: April 18, 2021 12:00 PT/ 1:00 MT/ 2:00 CT/ 3:00 ET
Workshop #6 The Cinematic vs. The Theatrical – Choreographing the Filmic Eye: April 24, 2021 12:00 PT/ 1:00 MT/ 2:00 CT/ 3:00 ET

Dance and…Workshops 
(March 5 – April 3, 2021)

One-day, synchronous workshops providing a “deep dive” into experiential learning in a specific area. Participants will have the opportunity to interact with peers from across the country in half- and full-day workshops. Dance And…Workshops registration will be open for individual and institutional members for a priority period before opening to non-members if space is available. A small registration fee will be required for enrollment.

The ACDAcademy, Educational Training Series 
(Spring 2021)


The ACDAcademy provides opportunity for ACDA members to take advantage of a digital library of videos providing training in a variety of areas to support the needs of students, faculty, and staff in dance programs in higher education. The digital library will be presented free to members via Vimeo.  Member institutions will have full access to these excellent digital resources, which will be updated and expanded annually.

A Year in Review, A Year Just Ahead 
(June 2021)

A national meeting of the ACDA community to reflect and review the accomplishments of our virtual year. What should the next year look like?