Regional Conference FAQs

Am I an ACDA Member? How do I become an ACDA Member
You can check a list of current ACDA Members here. If you need to renew your Membership please email the ACDA National Office at

Who receives the registration passcodes?
The registration passcodes will be sent to all email addresses listed in your institution’s membership profile in our new membership management system. To check the contacts listed in your institution’s profile log in here or contact the ACDA National Office at If you are an ACDA member or in the process of becoming an ACDA member and have not received a password at least two days before registration opens, contact the ACDA National Office at

How do I register for a Conference?
Check out How & When to Register or click here for detailed registration instructions.

What is a Super Region?
Super Regions are combined groups of individual regions within ACDA, created specifically for conference registration purposes. Individual, in-region priority registration allows member institutions to register for their regional conference before out-of-region members. Following this, all institutions within the same Super Region have in-super-region priority registration for any conference within their boundaries. You can register for conferences outside your Super Region only after the Individual Region Priority Registration and the Super Region Priority Registration periods. List of ACDA regions can be found here.

Super Region 1 – Baja, High-Desert, Northwest
Super Region 2 – Central, North-Central, South-Central
Super Region 3 – East-Central, New England, Northeast
Super Region 4 – Mid-Atlantic, Southeast

What if the conference reaches capacity before or during my registration?
If a conference reaches capacity before you are able to register, the Register Now button will be disabled. Email your Conference Coordinator to be put on the waitlist, ordered by time stamp on the email request. If you are in the process of registering and the conference reaches capacity, you must complete your registration within 60 minutes to secure the partial group registration. Email your Conference Coordinator to have the additional group members added to the waitlist.

Why is there a student cap until October 28, 2024?
A student cap is a limit set on the number of students an institution can register for a conference to ensure broad participation. Student cap limits are lifted on October 28, 2024, after which additional students may be added if space permits. However, once the student cap is met, additional students cannot be registered under different types such as Individual, Faculty, or Musician.

What should I do if I need to cancel participants or adjudication slots?
Canceling participants or adjudication slots before full payment results in fees: $25.00 for participants and $75.00 for adjudication slots. No refunds for paid registrations; you can substitute names for registrants. Contact the ACDA National Office at to remove people from your group. 

How do I ensure my registration is saved?
To save your registration, keep going with “Next” to the last page and then click on “Submit.” You may go back if necessary (‘Previous”), but you must click on “Submit” to complete the registration.

When is the 2025 ACDA National College Dance Festival?
The 2025 ACDA National College Dance Festival will be held at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts and George Washington University in Washington D.C. from May 2-4, 2025. Learn more about the National College Dance Festival here. 


Who can propose classes, workshops, and presentations?
Faculty and recommended graduate students can propose classes, workshops, research presentations, panels, and roundtables. Undergraduate students can propose research presentations.

Can I propose a team-taught class?
Yes, you can propose a team-taught class. Enter the name of the co-teacher. Both teachers should enter identical information on their own registration.

What opportunities are available for faculty?
Peer Response Feedback & Faculty-Only Classes 


How many dances can ACDA Institutional Members submit for adjudication?
ACDA Institutional Members may submit up to two (2) dances for adjudication.

What are the guidelines for adjudication slots?
Refer to the Adjudication Policies for Participating Schools on the ACDA and conference websites.

How do I reserve adjudication slots?
Institutions must officially register student(s). Any adjudication registration without corresponding school registration of student(s) will be canceled. Your adjudication slot is not secured until payment has been received.

What should I do if the adjudication slot cap is reached?
Email your Conference Coordinator to be put on the waitlist, ordered by time stamp on the email request. Consider participation in At-Large Virtual Adjudication.


Do I need to obtain copyright permission for the sound/music used for my adjudication dance?
Yes, ACDA requires faculty representatives to obtain copyright permissions for the sound/music used in their adjudication dances. Institutions wishing to participate in the National College Dance Festival selection process must upload their music/sound copyright information when they upload their program information for the conference.

Why do I need to submit copyright permissions to participate in the National Festival?
There is a distinction between regional conferences and the National Festival. Regional conferences take place in an academic setting, where the National Festival takes place in a public performing arts venue with tickets advertised and sold to the public. ACDA is considered a “presenter” and is not an educational institution.

What happens if my school does not have correct copyright permissions?
Schools without correct permissions will be eligible for adjudication and Gala consideration at the conference but will be removed from the National Festival selection pool.

What does ACDA and the Kennedy Center require to ensure copyright permissions?
ACDA and the Kennedy Center require one of the following:

  1. Submission of written documentation for each piece of music or sound used during the performance.
  2. Signed agreement that the performing school accepts responsibility for any legal fees and that ACDA will not cover any fees (indemnification).

What options do institutions have when submitting program information?
Institutions can choose one of the following options when submitting program information:

  1. Upload written documentation.
  2. Upload a signed agreement of indemnification.
  3. Choose to be removed from National Festival selection.

Can my institution’s blanket copyright coverage be used for the National Festival?
No, your institution’s blanket copyright coverage cannot be used for the National Festival. ACDA is not classified as an institute of higher education, so the “educational use” coverage does not extend to the National Festival.


Registration Policies
You must be an ACDA institutional member in good standing to participate in the adjudication process and to receive the discounted member registration fee.  If you are not currently an ACDA member but plan to become a new member or renew your membership. If using a credit card, your membership will be processed immediately. If planning to pay by check, inform the ACDA National Office by emailing You will then receive the registration password enabling you to register as a member.  Your membership dues must be sent to the ACDA National Office as soon as possible.

  • To participate in the adjudication process, a faculty member must be registered and attend the conference.
  • Once the student cap is met by a registering institution, additional students may not be added as a different registrant type (e.g., Individual, Faculty, Musician, etc.). 
  • With advanced notice, the ACDA National Office may cancel a registration that fails to comply with stated registration rules including but not limited to valid membership and adherence to student registration caps.
  • A $25.00 cancellation fee will be assessed on each canceled registration prior to full payment whether initiated by the registrant or ACDA National Office.
  • A $75.00 cancellation fee will be assessed on each canceled adjudication slot prior to full payment whether initiated by the registrant or ACDA National Office.

Does ACDA have any other policies I should be aware of?
Yes, ACDA has several policies that you should read before registering for a conference or participating in adjudication. It is important to familiarize yourself with these policies to ensure a smooth and informed experience at the conference.

ACDA Conference Policies for Participants
ACDA Conference Policies in a National Festival Year
ACDA Adjudication Policies for Participating Schools
ACDA Statement of Empowerment
ACDA National College Dance Festival Policies for Participants