ACDA Archives

The ACDA Archives is housed at Michelle Smith Performing Arts Library at the University of Maryland, College Park.  ACDA is listed in the Professional Organization Archives of the Special Collections in Performing Arts. Click here to be taken directly to the ACDA/ACDFA archives page.

PLEASE NOTE: We are currently listed by our former name in the archives. When searching use “American College Dance Festival Association” or “ACDFA.”

The archived material includes:

  • Correspondence beginning in 1973

  • Minutes from Board of Directors meetings

  • Regional Conference information, including concert programs

  • National College Dance Festival information, including concert programs

  • Gala recordings (videotapes,DVDs, mini DVs, SD cards*)

  • ACDA Newsletters beginning in 1976

  • Press coverage

  • Handbooks

  • Miscellaneous historical documents

Click for more information about Special Collections.

*PLEASE NOTE:  The ACDA National Office does not have copies of regional and national gala concert recordings.  All requests for viewing and/or copying recordings should be made directly to the library.  In no case will copies of dances be made available without written permission from the choreographer.

Using Videos in the Collection

When videos are transferred to UMD’s collections, they become the property of the University of Maryland (UMD). However, the copyright for the content remains with the original rights holders.

UMD will provide access to these videos for viewing, but will not grant permission for any kind of use beyond personal viewing. Access is typically available for research or scholarly purposes, and in some cases, they may provide performers with a copy of a video they participated in.

 For researchers who only need to view a video (rather than obtain a copy), UMD can offer access through UMD’s Digital Collections platform. This platform allows for time-restricted viewing—researchers will be given a link to the video that will expire after a set period (usually 48-72 hours).

 While UMD’s archives are open to the public, access to the content is still subject to copyright laws, which govern how the materials can be used. Please note that simply viewing a video does not grant permission for other uses.