ACDA values diversity and has a commitment to serve as a reflection of college/university dance programs and to give value and presence to the various forms, styles, cultural traditions and aesthetic dimensions of dance. Diversity in all of its expressions is celebrated at all Regional Conferences. It is the Association’s expectation that diversity be represented within adjudication and informal concerts, movement classes, panel discussions and lectures with opportunities for experiences in traditional, classical and contemporary dance forms that celebrate world culture.

“The weekend we spent at the conference was pure heaven: taking four dance classes a day, watching at least four hours of performances, getting closer to each other as we relaxed at dinner and in the hotel, preparing for our own performance, and learning so much from the expertise of the dance teachers. I was inspired and impressed by the other dancers and the student choreography.”
Conference Participant
- Classes/workshops
- Research presentations
- Adjudication Concerts
- Feedback Sessions
- Adjudicator Panel: introduces the adjudicators to the conference and gives a forum for understanding the adjudicators’ artistic vision, perspective and approach to feedback
- Informal Concert
- Gala Concert–at all conferences in National College Dance Festival years. In years that there is no National Festival, there may or may not be a gala conference.
- Social events for faculty and students
- Membership and Regional Planning Meeting
- Additional events:
Additional events might include concerts featuring faculty, guest artist companies, works using technology, dance video/film showings, all-conference improv jams
Opportunities for Students
- perform in adjudication and/or informal concerts
- present choreography in adjudication and/or informal concerts
- receive feedback from a panel of adjudicators
- present research
- attend guest artist classes, workshops and panels
- attend concerts
- meet students from your region and around the country
Opportunities for Faculty
- present choreography in adjudication and/or informal concerts
- receive feedback from a panel of adjudicators
- present classes
- present research
- participate in panels and/or roundtables
- participate in peer response process
- meet colleagues from your region and around the country
- present and perform choreography (in conferences with Faculty Concerts, only)
- perform in informal concert
What Participants Say About ACDA Regional Conferences:
When I attended [conferences], I truly got my first taste of what it was like to act as a professional. I found immediate camaraderie with students who woke themselves up to get to that early class and skipped their lunches to hear that one extra seminar…I became addicted to my annual retreats to the American College Dance [Conferences], and I miss them more than any other aspect of my college experience. I remember how I couldn’t walk after taking Capoeira for the first time. I remember crying and embracing a class full of strangers after an amazingly emotional Dunham class on the last day of a festival. I remember being blown away by a piece at the Dance Technology Concert, and even more excited to take the choreographer’s class the next day. And I will always remember the two-hour conversation I had with the arts librarian at the University of Buffalo, who inspired me to do something unique with my passions for dance and scholarship.
The American College Dance [Conference] is one of the best experiences I’ve had in my fours years at college. Despite the energy I put into taking four classes a day, I left the weekend feeling completely rejuvenated. The faculty was amazing and being able to see so many schools and professionals perform was inspiring…I am currently auditioning for professional dance companies, and this weekend has both prepared me and heightened my excitement for the future.
It’s a super-saturated lesson on how the field is developing. The [Conferences] offers an opportunity to grow so we don’t become limited by our own community’s aesthetic as to what is acceptable, beautiful, challenging.
My time at the American College Dance [Conferences] was some of the most fun, enriching and rewarding days I’ve experience as a student. I was inevitably tired and sore every night from the physical exertion, but it was worth it. I learned types of dance that I’d never tried before, such as hip-hop, African dance and Contact Improvisation. I was also introduced to different styles of Modern dance. Dancing with students from other universities, I felt like a member of a large artistic community…It was nice to know that our school is also part of a college dance community.
The American College Dance [Conferences] was truly an amazing experience. I enjoyed the atmosphere of total immersion, the blend of performances, classes and time to hang out and just absorb the energy charging the campus. It was a pleasure to be involved in the expansion of so many people’s conception of dance and performance, including my own.
Traveling to different schools and parts of the country is only one of the overall educational benefits. ACDA has been the primary venue for college programs to share creative work and showcase the incredible training that’s available at universities. It’s also a great connection with the professional world.
Since the first time I attended a conference in 1988, I have been an enthusiastic supporter of the work of ACDA…Our students have had outstanding classes, greater opportunity to grow as performers and choreographers and have established lifelong friendships with their peers from across the nation.